Business History


Company Projects

Company Projects


Project Name Start / End Date Narrative Objectives Client/Associates
The Multinational Kenya/Uganda: Kisumu – Kisian - Busia / Kakira – Malaba & Busitema – Busia Expressway Project February 2024,Ongoing
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The project consists of improvement of the road corridor connecting Kenya and Uganda. The proposed intervention considers rehabilitation and improvement of four stretches that will entail greater capacity and better transportation conditions as compared to the current road corridor. The project target roads are divided into five different sections totaling 256 shown below:
1. Kimaeti - Lwakhakha; 25 km
2. Rabuor - Chiga - Mamboleo - Kisian; 31 km
3. Jinja - Kakira - Malaba; 138 km
4. Busitema - Busia; 17 km
5. Mbale (Bumbobi) - Lwakhakha; 45 km
The assignment also includes the capacity improvement and process/facility upgrades of the existing OSBPs at Malaba and Busia while proposing the upgrading of the Lwakhakha border post to a One Stop Border Post.
The aim of the Multinational Project is to develop a smart corridor beyond the traditional concept of transport corridor by considering digital technology and social and economic needs as core elements. The specific objectives are, therefore to:
(i) Integrate gender mainstreaming into project development phases as a strategy towards realizing gender parity;
(ii) suggest innovations such as Climate resilient construction materials, Smart corridor management systems and Smart incident management systems which can be incorporated in Detailed Engineering Design phase to make the road corridor healthier, safer, more sustainable and better-connected;
(iii) improve road safety, and boost economic activity by providing connectivity to the markets established along the corridor road and moreover, enhance social integration by constructing pedestrian bridges;
(iv) utilize opportunities for implementation of digital technology such as the optic fiber cable system. The beneficiaries will be the population with enhanced internet connectivity, bridging the digital divide, and increasing GDP alongside the road corridor;
(v)elaborate the preliminary design of One-Stop Inspection Stations (OSIS) and Roadside Stations (RSS) with an aim to reduce transit time, improve road safety and security of traffic, reduce congestion on the road, reduce road accidents, sensitize well truck crews, reduce costs of transportation and improve traffic flow;
(vi)improve public health emergency preparedness by reconfiguring health facilities, and augmenting existing capacities in OSBPs between Uganda and Kenya (e.g. COVID-19 and Ebola pandemics);
African Development Bank, East African Community, NEPAD-IPPF
Implementation Support Consultant for Rural Development and Food Security in Northern Uganda (RUDSEC) Aprill 2023, Ongoing
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MoLG/CONS/2021/00003, BMZ ID 2016 67 468/20218 68 637

The project is designed as a one-phase-project over five years and shall be implemented in nine districts in the three sub-regions of Acholi, Lango and Teso in Northern Uganda Through the rehabilitation and upgrade of transport and market infrastructure the accessibility of agricultural production areas are improved and transportation cost are reduced, thus making better use of agricultural production potentials and increasing incomes of the farming population of Northern Uganda. The project outcome shall be achieved through the following two outputs, and the achievements shall be measured with the following indicators:
Output 1: Road sections relevant for agricultural production are rehabilitated / upgraded in a climate-resilient manner and accessible all year round.
1. Length of the district roads upgraded to Low-Cost-Seal roads (in km).
2. Length of the district roads rehabilitated (in km).
3. Length of the Community Access Roads CARs upgraded to District Class Ill roads (in km).
Output 2: Trading capacities on markets relevant for local agricultural producers have increased.
1. Increase of the physical trading capacities (in tons) on rehabilitated markets by product.
Orion Consulting Associates B.V. Swynswei 7, 9245 HE Nij Beets The Netherlands
Formative Research on Hygiene Behavior Change in Public Schools and Households in Kampala (Water Aid) 3 Years The purpose for the assignment is to conduct a formative research assessment that will lead to the development of a comprehensive hygiene behaviour change promotional package and strategy for the SusWASH project to be implemented in Kampala. This is in line with one key result areas for the project on improved hygiene behaviour in targeted communities and schools. Assess the current sanitation and hygiene practices of residents in a sample of communities and schools in Kampala and the determinants (physical, social, demographic, economic and cultural).
Identify the key barriers and drivers for behaviour change such as motivators for change in behaviour, i.e. the aspirations, motivational drivers and desires most likely to be effective in promoting change in sanitation and hygiene behaviour in the districts.
Assess and determine various touch-points to reach different target populations (in-school and out-of-school children, women including pregnant, nursing and older ones, people with disabilities and men) through the hygiene behaviour change intervention and identify the most appropriate means of communication.
Prioritize adversely practiced hygiene behaviours in the project area by conducting mapping exercise and identify barriers for performing safe hygiene practices.
The specific objectives of the study are to:
(i) Characterize the soils under coffee farms in selected districts in Uganda
(ii) Develop nutrient and suitability maps for coffee farms in selected districts in Uganda
(iii) Develop site specific fertilizer recommendations for coffee farms in selected districts in Uganda.
Baseline Study of the Physical Planning System in Uganda 2016-2019
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The overall objective of the Consultancy is to undertake a Baseline Study of the Physical PlanningSystem in Uganda as a precursor to making it more effective. It is intended to remedy the above noteddeficiencies by carrying out a Baseline Study of the system as the basis for making revisions/changes.
Identify the system as it stands, including:
1. The system as defined in the Physical Planning Act 2010, at all levels from the National to the local (village and neighbourhood)
2. The system as used in ongoing physical planning projects in MoLHUD and other MDAs, including in the urban realm which are aimed at upgrading of slums (where 60% of the urban population reside); in the provision of infrastructure and any other projects
3. Physical and Spatial Planning as used by the NPA and other MDAs and other sectors.
Identify and quantify the capacity of Physical Planning agencies, staffing and resources at all.
Provide a benchmark for the change process which is being embarked upon, as described above.
Identify and appraise the methods used and their effectiveness to meet the challenges of rapid
Urbanisation and modernisation as defined by Uganda Vision 2040.
Ascertain views of a cross section of stakeholders, of the Physical Planning System and the
Priorities for change of the stakeholders in different sectors at national and local levels as described in 2.4 above. This should include those responsible for the necessary Boards and Committees for running the System.
Seek to inform and be informed by other Physical Planning sub-components, including Institutional and Legal changes, the NPDP, the Rapid Physical Planning Assessments (RAPPAs)/Pilot Projects. These need to work with the Baseline Study findings. They also present opportunities for learning about the current system. The RAPPAs can assist with getting a better understanding of the system during the Physical Planning work which will be part of the Systematic Land Adjudication and Certification project (SLAAC), which will seek to certify 900,000 plots and create 600 Community Land Associations (Land Administration Sub- Component 2).
Albertine Region Sustainable Development Project December 7, 2015 - July 31, 2019
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The ARSDP consists of three project components as follows:
• Component 1- Regional Access and Connectivity, implemented under Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA),
• Component 2- Local Access, Planning and Development implemented under Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD) and
• Component 3- Skills Access and Upgrading implemented under Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES).
The project development objective is to improve regional and local access to infrastructure, markets and skills development in the Albertine Region.


Service Project Name Client Associates Project Period
Capacity Building and Training Project Development of the Public Sector Management Strategic Investment Plan Office of the Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister N/A June 2010 - June 2011
Performance Monitoring Enhancement Project Office of the Prime Minister N/A February 2010-January 2011
Developing an Operations and Implementation Manual for Management of Component 2 of UPSPEP Ministry of Public Service. N/A September 2009 - November 2010
Developing an Operations and Implementation Manual for Management of Component 2 of UPSPEP Ministry of Public Service. N/A September 2009 - November 2010
Training of Politicians and Officials for Local Revenue Enhancement Ministry of Local Government (MOLG). Reference LGDPII/04/4. MOLG/World Bank, N/A December 2004 – March 2007
Provision of Consultancy Services for Technical Assistance for ERT-Information Awareness Activities and Capacity Development for Local Governments, MOLG/World Bank. N/A September 2004 –December 2006
Baseline Survey and Management of Information System for the Uganda HIV/AIDS Control Project. Uganda AIDS Commission/Uganda HIV/AIDS Control Project. World Bank N/A April 2003 – June 2004
Design of a Strategic Training Programme for Uganda Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. [In association with SIPU International and Statistics Denmark]. NDF (Nordic Development Fund) February 2002 –December 2002
Institutional Design and Development/Human Resource Management Sustainable Managements of Mineral Resources Project. Design and Modernization of Institutional Model of the Department of Geological Survey and Mines. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development SOFRECO of France. April 2008
Institutional Set-up of the Physical Planning Function at National Level. Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment (MWLE). MWLE/Government of Uganda N/A September 2005 - November 2006
Divestiture and Privatization of Land Sector Services for the National Land Policy. Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment (MWLE). MWLE/Government of Uganda (World Bank) N/A April 2005 and June 2006
Training of Politicians and Officials for Local Revenue Enhancement. Ministry of Local Government (MOLG).  Reference LGDPII/04/4.  MOLG/World Bank N/A December 2004 – March 2007
Provision of Consultancy Services for Technical Assistance for ERT-Information Awareness Activities and Capacity Development for Local Governments. MOLG/World Bank. N/A September 2004 – December 2006
Uganda Wildlife Authority External Monitoring Review Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). World Bank. N/A August 2004 – August 2005
Privatization of Uganda Railways. Uganda Railways Corporation. In association with CANARAIL of Canada. World Bank. N/A June 2002 – June 2003
Design of a Training Programme for Uganda Bureau of Statistics. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. In association with SIPU International and Statistics Denmark. NDF (Nordic Development Fund). N/A February 2002 – December 2002
Strengthening the Uganda Government/NGO Partnership Project: NGO Sector Nation-wide Survey. Uganda Office of the Prime Minister. In association with BMT Analytical Consultants and Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University, U.K. World Bank. N/A December 2001 – December 2002
Urban Planning, Development and Management. Ministry of Local Government. In association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank. N/A January 2002 – June 2003
EADB Re-Capitalization Study. East African Development Bank. In association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic and Social Research Foundation. East African Development Bank (EADB). N/A October 2001 – June 2002
Restructuring of Local Governments in Uganda: Review of the Staffing and Structures of Local Government. Ministry of Public Service/Administrative Reform Secretariat. GOU/DUTCH AID. In association with Development Consultants International Ltd., Incafex Consultants Ltd, and Rank Consult (U) Ltd. N/A November 2001 – June 2003
Review and Streamlining of the Planning, Monitoring and Quality Assurance Functions. Ministry of Water, Lands, and Environment, Kampala, Uganda, GOU/DANIDA. N/A October 2000 – December 2000
Uganda Road Management and Financing Study. Strategy Study for management and divestiture of road systems in Uganda (including legal, institutional and environmental implications) within the Uganda Ten-Year Road Programme. Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications, Uganda. In a Joint Venture with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank. N/A 1999 – 2000
Agriculture/Land and Environment/Rural Development Development of a National Housing Policy for Uganda (including Design and implementation of an IEC Strategy), Development of a 15-Year National Housing Strategy and a National housing Bill. Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, GOU/UNDP. In Association with ECO-SHELTER Consultants. June 2007- June 2009
Institutional Set-up of the Physical Planning Function at National Level. Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment (MWLE). MWLE/Government of Uganda (World Bank) N/A September 2005 and November 2006
Drafting of the National Land Policy. Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment (MWLE). MWLE/Government of Uganda. World Bank. In Association with JURIDICON of Kenya September 2005 and December 2010
Divestiture and Privatization of Land Sector Services for the National Land Policy. Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment (MWLE). MWLE/Government of Uganda/ World Bank. N/A April 2005 and June 2006
Provision of Consultancy Services for Technical Assistance for ERT-Information Awareness Activities and Capacity Development for Local Governments. MOLG/World Bank. N/A September 2004 and December 2006
Uganda Wildlife Authority External Monitoring Review Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). World Bank. N/A August 2004 – August 2005
Review of the Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for the Upgrading of Kabale-Kisoro-Bunagana Road Road Agency Formation Unit Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications. In Association with BKS Global Ltd of the RSA. World Bank. N/A December 2003 – January 2005
A Master Plan for the University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (UAES) Gulu Ministry of Education and Sports. In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank. N/A August 2001 – October 2002
Uganda Agricultural Sector Investment and Resource Audit Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development/ DANIDA/DFID N/A 1999
Review of Functional Structure of the Ministry of Lands, Water and Environment, with reference to Environment Management Ministry of Lands, Water, and Environment. IUCN. N/A November 1998 – September 1999
Inland Water Transport Study (20-Year Master Plan) MOWHC, ADB. N/A 1997 – 1998
Institutional Capacity-Building Review, APC/Agricultural Secretariat Bank of Uganda, World Bank N/A 1995
Transport/Engineering/Water Projects Preliminary Engineering Design of the Uganda Standard Gauge Railway Network (Phase I): Malaba-Kampala. Ministry of Works and Transport. N/A October 2012
Feasibility Study for upgrading Kampala - Kasese Railway Line. Ministry of Works and Transport. N/A January 2010- November 2012
Provision of Resource Persons for Preparation the National Transport Master Plan (NTMP) including a Transport Master Plan for the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA). Ministry of Works and Transport N/A April 2008-June 2009
Development of a National Housing Policy for Uganda (including Design and implementation of an IEC Strategy). Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, GOU/UNDP In Association with ECO-SHELTER Consultants June 2007- June 2009
Re-Development of Naguru and Nakawa Housing Estates in Kampala, Preparation of Solicitation/Bidding Documents and Supervision through Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) System Ministry of Local Government. In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA and ECO-Shelter (Uganda) N/A November 2005 – November 2005
Government of Uganda. Study on a Uganda Multi-Sectoral Transport Regulatory Agency Project Ministry of Works and Transport. In Association with Adam Smith Institute of the U.K. World Bank N/A November 2005 – June 2006
Drafting the National Land Policy (Phase II) Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development N/A October 2008 – December 2010
Preparation of a Development Plan for Nakawa and Naguru Housing Estates Ministry of Local Government. In Association with BKS of the RSA. KCC/World Bank N/A February 2004 – September 2004
Review of the Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for the Upgrading of Kabale-Kisoro-Bunagana Road Road Agency Formation Unit Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications. In Association with BKS Global Ltd of the RSA. World Bank N/A December 2003 – January 2005
Privatization of Uganda Railways Uganda Railways Corporation. In association with CANARAIL of Canada. World Bank N/A June 2002 – June 2003
Urban Planning, Development and Management Ministry of Local Government. In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank N/A January 2002 – June 2003
A Master Plan for the University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (UAES) Gulu Ministry of Education and Sports. In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank N/A August 2001 – October 2002
Design of the Proposed National Records/Archives Centre Ministry of Public Service/Administrative Reform Secretariat. World Bank. In association with Wanjohi Consulting Engineers N/A July 2001 – December 2002
Kampala Drainage Master Plan Ministry of Local Government/Kampala City Council, Uganda. In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank N/A 2001 – 2002
Uganda Road Management and Financing Study Road Agency Formation Unit Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications, Uganda. In a Joint Venture with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank N/A 1999 – 2000
Uganda Transport Sector Strategy Study Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Uganda. In association with PARKMAN/HYPER of U.K. World Bank N/A June 1999 – 2000
Regional Economic Integration Provision of Resource Persons for Preparation of the National Transport Master Plan (NTMP) including a Transport Master Plan for the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) within the EAC Transport Conceptual Framework. Ministry of Works and Transport N/A April 2008-June 2009
Consultancy Services for Data Management and Information for Acceleration of East African Integration (EAC Project). N/A In Association with ESRF (Tanzania) ADEC (Kenya), EAC Secretariat, Arusha. September 2006–November 2006
Formulation of the East African Community Development Strategy N/A In association with ESRF (Tanzania) and ADEC (Kenya). EAC and a Consortium of Donors. Technical Assistance for the SADC Regional Statistical Training Programme October 2005 - November 2006
Technical Assistance for the SADC Regional Statistical Training Programme SADC Secretariat N/A November 2002 – April 2007
Work on the Committee of Eminent Persons for Fast Tracking the East African Federation By the IDC Chairman/Managing Director, EAC Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania N/A September – November 2004
Work on the Eminent Persons Group on African Integration (Eastern Africa Group) By the IDC Chairman/Managing Director (Member and Secretary), Global Coalition for Africa (GCA)/World Bank N/A August 2003 – September 2004
Development of Impact Mitigation Plan for Potential Adverse Effects of the Proposed Customs Union of the Private Sector in Uganda Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. World Bank. In association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic (ADEC) and Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), East African Development Bank (EADB) N/A May 2004 – December 2004
Regional Integration Study of the Economic Advantages and Disadvantages of EAC and COMESA Agreements to Uganda. USAID-PSF Trade Policy Capacity Building Project N/A N/A November 2000
A Study of Non-Tariff Trade Barriers in East Africa USAID/TECHNOSERVE. In association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic and Social Research Foundation, Inc, Nairobi, Kenya N/A May – November 2000
The Future of East Africa. Research and a Paper written for the London Financial Times Seminar on the East African Community for the Chairman of the Tripartite Commission for the East African Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uganda N/A January 1999
Lead role on the Uganda Task Force on the Uganda Task Force on the East African Community Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation, Government of Uganda N/A 1998 – 1999
Inland Water Transport Study (20-Year Master Plan) MOWHC, ADB N/A 1997 – 1998
East African Revenue Collection at First Points of Entry (EARCAFPE) Ministry of Finance, Uganda and EAC Secretariat, Arusha. GTZ/EACS N/A 1997 – 1998
East African Tariff Harmonization Study (EATHS; Uganda Component) Ministry of Finance, Uganda and EAC Secretariat, Arusha. EACS/CBI World Bank N/A 1997 – 1998
Work on the Committee of Treaty-Making Experts for the East African Cooperation Secretariat leading to the Fifth Draft of the Treaty for Establishment of the East African Community (1999) EAC Secretariat, Arusha N/A 1997 – 1998
Fisheries Master Plan (20-Year Plan) concentrated, by and large, on Lake Victoria N/A. In association with Development Consultants International Ltd. (Lead Consultant) and Incafex Consultants Ltd. MAAIF, Uganda African Development Bank N/A 1995 – 1998
Feasibility Studies and Demand Analysis Feasibility Study for upgrading Kampala - Kasese Railway Line. Ministry of Works and Transport. N/A January 2010-November 2012
Introduction of Integrated Production Skills (IPS) Feasibility Study for School Curriculum Reform (both Primary and Secondary) to introduce Integrated Production Skills in all Schools in Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports/ADB Education II, Uganda ADB November 2003 – April 2007
Review of the Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design for the Upgrading of Kabale-Kisoro-Bunagana Road Road Agency Formation Unit Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications. In Association with BKS Global Ltd of the RSA. African Development Bank (ADB) N/A December 2003 – January 2004
EADB Re-Capitalization Study N/A. In association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic and Social Research Foundation. East African Development Bank (EADB) N/A October 2001 – June 2002
Inland Water Transport Study (20-Year Master Plan) MOWHC, ADB N/A 1997 – 1998
Social Dimensions of Development (SDD) Pre-Investment Study (1995) UNDP N/A 1995
Kenya National Federation of Co-operative Studies Project Ministry of Co-operatives/ DANIDA N/A 1990
Economic Feasibility Study and Preliminary Engineering Study (Stage I) plus Detailed Engineering Design (Stage II) of Busunju-Hoima-Butiaba Road (208 Kms) and Mbale-Kapchorwa-Suam Road (122 Kms) N/A. In association with Wanjohi Consulting Engineers. PTA Roads Project of the African Development Bank N/A 1994 – 1998
Industrial Development Trade and Incentives Yachiyo Engineering Company N/A 1990
Price Controls: Contradictions and Dilemma East African Industries, Kenya N/A 1989
Financial Mechanisms for NORDIC/SADC Initiatives Kenya. GOU N/A 1981 – 1989
Policy Analysis /Strategic Planning/Business Planning/Private Sector Promotion Resource Persons for Preparation of the National Transport Master Plan (NTMP) including a Transport Master Plan for the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) Ministry of Works and Transport N/A April 2008-June 2009
Development of a National Housing Policy for Uganda (including Design and Implementation of an IEC Strategy) Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, GOU/UNDP. In Association with ECO-SHELTER Consultants In Association with ECO-SHELTER Consultants. June 2007 - June 2009
Drafting of the National Land Policy Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment (MWLE). MWLE/Government of Uganda/World Bank. In Association with JURIDICON of Kenya In Association with JURIDICON of Kenya September 2005 – December 2010
Study on Impact Evaluation of Basic Education in Uganda (Dutch Sub-Contract) N/A N/A August 2006 – November 2006
Introduction of Integrated Production Skills (IPS) Feasibility Study for School Curriculum Reform Ministry of Education and Sports/ADB Education II, Uganda. N/A. ADB N/A November 2003 – April 2007, December 2006
SADC Regional Statistical Training Programme. A Five-Year Capacity Building Project N/A. In Association with TES (Training European Statisticians) November 2002 – November 2007
Development of Impact Mitigation Plan for Potential Adverse Effects of the Proposed Customs Union on the Private Sector in Uganda Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. World Bank. In association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic and Social Research Foundation In association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic and Social Research Foundation May 2004 – December 2004
Preparation of a Development Plan for Nakawa and Naguru Housing Estates Ministry of Local Government. In Association with BKS of the RSA. KCC/World Bank (In Association with BKS of the RSA). KCC/World Bank February 2004 – September 2004
Urban Planning, Development and Management Ministry of Local Government. In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA. World Bank [In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA]. World Bank. January 2002 – June 2003
Economic Stabilization and Adjustment Programmes in Uganda (1981-1995) Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Foundation), Kampala Office, Uganda N/A 1997
Uganda: The Second Structural Adjustment Programme ADEC in joint World Bank/ADB mission to Uganda for the formulation of the Second Structural Adjustment Program N/A 1993/4 – 1995/6
Preparation of a Business Plan for the Federation of Ugandan Consultants (FUCO), World Bank N/A N/A 1996
Poverty Analysis in Uganda (July 1992) PAPSCA (Government of Uganda). Financier: World Bank N/A N/A
Small Enterprise Professional Services Organization (SEPSO) Study (1992).The Friedrich-Naumann Foundation of Germany put forward a proposal to establish a profit-oriented non-governmental services organization for the small-scale enterprises business sector in Kenya N/A N/A N/A
Present and Future Financing Needs of the Industrial Sector (1992) N/A The Kenya Association of Manufacturing (KAM) N/A
Constraints in Kenya’s Rural Industrialization (1990) Kenya Association of Manufacturers in conjunction with USAID N/A N/A
Privatization of Uganda Railways Privatization Unit of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. World Bank. In association with CANARAIL of Canada Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. World Bank [In association with CANARAIL of Canada]. June 2002 – June 2003
Sectoral/ Master Planning Resource Persons for Preparation of  the National Transport Master Plan (NTMP) including a Transport Master Plan for the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA) within the EAC Transport Conceptual Framework. Ministry of Works and Transport N/A April 2008-June 2009
Formulation of the East African Community Development Strategy 2006 – 2010 N/A. In association with ESRF (Tanzania) and ADEC (Kenya). EAC and a Consortium of Donors October 2005 – November 2006
Transfer Tracking Study Ministry of Local Government (MOLG), Uganda. MOLG/WB N/A March 2005 – November 2005
Uganda Wildlife Authority External Monitoring Review Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) World Bank N/A August 2004 – August 2005
Development of Impact Mitigation Plan for Potential Adverse Effects of the Proposed Customs Union of the Private Sector in Uganda Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. World Bank. Uganda in association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic and Social Research Foundation Uganda in association with African Development and Economic Consultants and Economic and Social Research Foundation May 2004 - December 2004
Introduction of Integrated Production Skills (IPS) Feasibility Study for School Curriculum Reform (both Primary and Secondary) to introduce Integrated Production Skills in all Schools in Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports/ADB Education II, Uganda, ADB N/A November 2003 – April 2007
Rwanda Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) The Strategic Planning and Poverty Monitoring Department of the Government of Rwanda, DFID N/A October 2003 – December 2003
Sierra Leone Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) The Economic and Planning Unit of the Government of Sierra Leone, DFID N/A March 2003 – September 2003
Design of a Strategic Training Programme for Uganda Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. In Association with SIPU International and Statistics Denmark. NDF (Nordic Development Fund) [In Association with SIPU International and Statistics Denmark]. NDF (Nordic Development Fund) February 2002 – December 2002
A Tracking Study of the Water Sector Conditional Grants Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment/DWD. SIDA/DFID N/A November 2002 – June 2003
A Study on the Primary Teachers’ Recruitment, Deployment and Payroll Management Ministry of Public Service, Uganda. World Bank N/A June 2002 – October 2002
UPE Schools Repeat Survey (2002 on 1996) Ministry of Education and Sports/World Bank N/A 1996 - 2002
Design of the Proposed National Records Centre/Archives Centre Ministry of Public Service/Administrative Reform Secretariat. World Bank. In association with Wanjohi Consulting Engineers In association with Wanjohi Consulting Engineers July 2001 – December 2002
A Study to Track Use of and Accountability for UPE Capitation Grants Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A August 2001
The Unit Cost Study for Post-Primary Schools in Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A June 2001
Determination of Allocation Formula for Capitation Grants to Primary Schools. A Nation-wide survey of all forty-five (45) Districts and a scientific sample of UPE Primary Schools Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A July 2000 - October 2000
Tracking the Flow of and Accountability for the UPE Funds (Universal Primary Education) Funds Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda World Bank N/A November 1999 – February 2000
National Service Delivery Survey. A nation-wide survey to establish Service Delivery Indicators (SDI's) for each of the forty-five (45) Districts of Uganda (as well as National Aggregates) with reference to (i) Primary Education (ii) Primary Healthcare (iii) Safe Water (iv) Infrastructure (v) Modernization of Agriculture (vi) Tourism (vii) Security (Law and Order, and Access to Justice), Administrative Reform Secretariat Ministry of Public Service, Uganda, Government of Norway/World Bank. In association with DCI, Incafex Consultants and Rank Consult Ltd. In association with DCI, Incafex Consultants and Rank Consult Ltd. 1999 - 2001
Fisheries Master Plan Study (for Uganda) N/A In association with Development Consultants International Ltd. (Lead Consultant) and Incafex Consultants Ltd. (1995). African Development Bank. N/A
Nationwide Surveys/Censuses/Computerization Annual Tracking Studies in NUSAF 2 Operating Areas for NUSAF 2 Project Office of the Prime Minister N/A 28th February 2013
Collection and Preliminary Analysis of the input Road Condition Data to the URF 5-Year Strategic Planning Process Uganda Road Fund N/A 7th March 2013
A Baseline Survey of Uganda Postal Services Uganda Communication Commission (UCC) N/A September 2006 - November 2005
Study on Impact Evaluation of Basic Education in Uganda (Dutch Government Sub-Contract) N/A N/A August 2006 – November 2006
Assessment of the Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Education Sector Ministry of Education and Sports In Association with Rank Consult (U) Ltd. Irish Embassy (DCI) October 2005 – July 2008
Tracking Study on Allocation and Utilization of Resources in Conflict Districts in Northern Uganda in the Primary Education Sub-Sector Ministry of Education and Sports N/A August 2005 – February 2006
Irish Embassy (DCI). The Integrated Production Skills (IPS) Feasibility Study Ministry of Education and Sports/ADB Education II, Uganda. ADB N/A November 2003 – April 2007
Transfer Tracking Study (for LGDP I & II) Ministry of Local Government (MOLG) MOLG/World Bank March 2005 - November 2005
A Tracking Study of the Water and Sanitation Sector Project in Uganda: (Efficiency and Effectiveness) Project MWLE/DWD N/A September 2004 - January 2005
Uganda Wildlife Authority External Monitoring Review Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). World Bank N/A August 2004 – August 2005
A Review of M & E Systems for Ghana Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) The Strategic Planning and Poverty Monitoring Department of the Government of Ghana, DFID N/A January 2004
Baseline Survey and Development of a Management of Information System for the Uganda HIV/AIDS Control Project Uganda HIV/AIDS Control Project. World Bank N/A April 2003 – June 2004
A Review of M & E Systems for Sierra Leone Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) The Economic and Planning Unit of the Government of Sierra Leone, DFID N/A March 2003 – September 2003
A Review of M & E Systems for Rwanda Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) The Strategic Planning and Poverty Monitoring Department of the Government of Rwanda, DFID N/A October 2003 – December 2003
A Tracking Study of the Water Sector Conditional Grants Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment/DWD, Uganda. SIDA/DFID N/A November 2002 – June 2003
Strengthening the Uganda Government/NGO Partnership Project: NGO Survey Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda. World Bank In association with BMT Analytical Consultants and Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University, U.K. December 2001 – December 2002
A Tracking Study on the Primary Teachers’ Recruitment, Deployment and Payroll Management. A nation-wide, M & E, sample survey of about 10 + 1 Districts Ministry of Public Service/World Bank N/A June 2002 – October 2002
UPE Schools Capitation Grant Repeat Tracking Survey (2002 on 1996). A nation-wide survey, M & E, covering 18 districts of Uganda World Bank N/A June 2001 to October 2002
Evaluation of the Schools Facilities Grant (SFG). A nation-wide, evaluation, survey and policy/operation review of management of grant from 1997-2000 Department for International Development East Africa (Uganda) N/A January 2001 – May 2001
A Study to Track Use of and Accountability for UPE Capitation Grants. A nation-wide, M & E sample Survey Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A August 2001
The Unit Cost Study for Post-Primary Schools in Uganda. A nation-wide M & E Study of Education Unit Costs in Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A June 2001
Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for Education Sector Adjustment Credit. A Performance Evaluation and Audit Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A January 2001 – March 2001
Education Study on Impact Evaluation of Basic Education in Uganda (Dutch Sub Contract) N/A N/A August 2006-November 2006
Assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the Education Sector. In Association with Rank Consult (U) Ltd. Ministry of Education and Sports, Irish Embassy (DCI) N/A October 2005 – July 2008
Tracking Study on Allocation and Utilization of Resources in Conflict Districts in Northern Uganda in the Primary Education Sub-Sector Ministry of Education and Sports, Irish Embassy (DCI) N/A August 2005 – November 2005
Introduction of Integrated Production Skills (IPS) Feasibility Study for School Curriculum Reform (both Primary and Secondary) to introduce Integrated Production Skills in all Schools in Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports/ADB Education II, Uganda. ADB N/A November 2003 – April 2007
SADC Regional Statistical Training Programme. A Five-Year Capacity Building Project Southern African Development Community Secretariat, In Association with TES (Training European Statisticians of Luxembourg) N/A November 2002 – November 2007
A Study on the Primary Teachers’ Recruitment, Deployment and Payroll Management Ministry of Public Service/World Bank N/A June 2002 – October 2002
UPE Schools Repeat Survey (1996-2002) Ministry of Education/World Bank N/A 2002
A Master Plan for the University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (UAES), Gulu Ministry of Education and Sports, In Association with BKS (Pty) of the RSA, World Bank N/A August 2001 – October 2002
A Study to Track Use of and Accountability for UPE Capitation Grants Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda, World Bank N/A August 2001
The Unit Cost Study for Post-Primary Schools in Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda, World Bank N/A June 2001
Evaluation of the Schools Facilities Grant (SFG) Department for International Development, DFID East Africa (Uganda) N/A January 2001 – May 2001
Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for Education Sector Adjustment Credit. A Performance Evaluation and Audit Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda, World Bank N/A January 2001 – March 2001
Determination of Allocation Formula for Capitation Grants to Primary Schools. A Nation-wide survey of all the forty-five (45) Districts and a scientific sample of UPE Primary Schools Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda, World Bank N/A July 2000 – October 2000
Tracking the Flow of and Accountability for the UPE Funds (Universal Primary Education) Funds Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda, World Bank N/A November 1999 – February 2000
National Service Delivery Survey Ministry of Public Service, Administrative Reform Secretariat, World Bank, In association with DCI, Incafex Consultants and Rank Consult Ltd N/A 1999 – 2001
Performance Evaluation/Audits Annual Tracking Studies in NUSAF 2 Operating Areas for NUSAF 2 Project Office of the Prime Minister N/A 28th February 2013
Monitoring Enhancement Project Office of the Prime Minister N/A February 2010 – January 2011
Assessment of the Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Education Sector Ministry of Education and Sports In Association with Rank Consult (U) Ltd. Irish Embassy (DCI) October 2005 – July 2008
Tracking Study on Allocation and Utilization of Resources in Conflict Districts in Northern Uganda in the Primary Education Sub-Sector Ministry of Education and Sports Irish Embassy (DCI) August 2005 – February 2006
Transfer Tracking Study (for LGDP I & II) Ministry of Local Government (MOLG) MOLG/World Bank March 2005 – November 2005
A Tracking Study of the Water and Sanitation Sector Project in Uganda: (Efficiency and Effectiveness) MWLE/DWD Project MWLE/DWD N/A Since September 2004 – November 2005
Uganda Wildlife Authority External Monitoring Review Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). World Bank N/A August 2004 – August 2005
Rwanda Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) The Strategic Planning and Poverty Monitoring Department of the Government of Rwanda, DFID N/A October 2003 – December 2003
Sierra Leone Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys (PETS) The Economic and Planning Unit of the Government of Sierra Leone, DFID N/A March 2003 – September 2003
A Tracking Study of the Water Sector Conditional Grants Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment/DWD, Uganda. SIDA/DFID N/A November 2002 – June 2003
A Study on the Primary Teachers’ Recruitment, Deployment and Payroll Management Ministry of Public Service, Uganda. World Bank N/A June 2002 – October 2002
UPE Schools Repeat Survey (2002 on 1996) Ministry of Education and Sports/World Bank N/A 2002
Strengthening the Uganda Government/NGO Partnership Project: NGO Survey Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda In association with BMT Analytical Consultants and Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University, U.K. World Bank December 2001 – December 2002
A Study to Track Use of and Accountability for UPE Capitation Grants Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A August 2001
The Unit Cost Study for Post-Primary Schools in Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A June 2001
Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for Education Sector Adjustment Credit. A Performance Evaluation and Audit Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A January 2001 – March 2001
Determination of Allocation Formula for Capitation Grants to Primary Schools Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A July 2000 – October 2000
Tracking the Flow of and Accountability for the UPE Funds (Universal Primary Education) Funds Ministry of Education and Sports, Uganda. World Bank N/A November 1999 – February 2000
National Service Delivery Survey Ministry of Public Service, Uganda Government of Norway/World Bank. In association with DCI, Incafex Consultants and Rank Consult Ltd N/A 1999 – 2001
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