Procurement Management Expert
Employer: IDC/RUDSEC- Project MoLG
BA/ED (Hons) from Makerere University, Kampala
Post Graduate Diploma in Management and Stock Control from Cambridge Tutorial College, UK
Graduate Diploma of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply UK (MCIPS)
Certificate in Advanced Materials Management, awarded by ESAMI-Arusha, Tanzania
Public Procurement for Executives Certificate awarded by ITC UNCTAD/WTO
Certificate in Health Supply Chain Management issued by Scottish Qualifications Authority UK
Over 30 years of practical procurement management experience
Chairman of the CIPS Uganda Branch (2004-2009)
Founder Member of the Governing Council-Institute of Procurement Professionals of Uganda (IPPU)
Extensive consultancy and advisory services experience with Government, Multinational financial institutions, private sector companies, International Consultancy firms, and Social Enterprise Organisations
Implemented procurement and logistics management assignments funded by leading development partners such as World Bank, KfW, USAID, DFID, European Union, JICA, and AfDB
Active participation in various Public Procurement fora within Uganda, the East African Region, and some International events
Active community worker involved in various community and national development activities
Leadership positions held in various professional, social, and educational Institutions and Associations in Uganda